
As the saying goes, "Many hands make light work."
Join us to make the work of democracy better for everyone.

What are Precinct Committeepersons?

Precinct committeepersons (PCPs) are the voting members of the Polk County Democrats., They are the first level of grassroots connection between the party and voters. PCPs make decisions such as who the officers of the party are, whether to pass resolutions and endorse candidates, and work on numerous other issues that are presented to the Central Committee.

Each precinct is allotted a certain number of PCPs based on population. All Polk County precincts currently have open PCP positions.

There are elected PCPs and appointed PCPs. Any registered Democrat can run for a PCP position, but elections are held once every two years. If you’ve missed the opportunity to be elected, you can be appointed by:

  • notifying the Chair of your intent to become an appointed PCP
  • attending two consecutive Central Committee meetings in a row (Meetings are currently held on the first Thursday of each month; most meetings are virtual to accommodate everyone).

What are Neighborhood Leaders?

Oregon Democrats have a unique pilot program that helps us to turn out Democrats during elections. This program is called the “Neighborhood Leader” program. Essentially, each Neighborhood Leader adopts 20-40 households of registered Democrats in their immediate neighborhood and contacts them in the lead up to each election to answer questions, provide information on endorsements, and build the community of Polk County Democrats.

As a Neighborhood Leader, you will:

  • encourage participation by phone, face-to-face conversations, and/or neighborhood fliers
  • circulate information on Democratic candidates and endorsed ballot measures
  • help with information about official ballot drop boxes and mailing deadlines

Do I have to be a PCP or NL to volunteer?

No! While we would love for you to join us as a PCP and Neighborhood Leader, we appreciate that some things aren’t for everyone, and so you can volunteer in a number of other ways. You can sign up below. Be sure to check out the list below the form if you have questions about what a certain category might entail.

Get Involved: Tell Us What You're Interested In Doing!

Check all options you’re interested in. See descriptions below the form for more information.

More Information About Volunteering

General Volunteer
We send out volunteer sign-up requests as needed through our email notifications.


  • Booths/tables at county fairs, Independence Days, community festivals, farmers’ markets

  • Organizing networking and socializing events

  • Auctions and other fundraisers

  • Networking and social gatherings

  • Monthly business meetings

  • House parties



  • Canvassing

  • Phone banking

  • Texting

  • Writing & mailing postcards

  • House parties

  • Delivering and soliciting placement of lawn signs and highway signs

  • Literature drops and running pickup locations



  • Soliciting contributions

  • Auctions (online and in-person)

  • House parties for candidates

  • Products:  T-shirts, cups, bags, etc.

  • Thanking contributors via phone, postcard, or email


Volunteer/Neighborhood Organizing

  • Reminding volunteers about upcoming shifts

  • Recruiting volunteers

  • Recruiting Neighborhood Leaders

  • Recruiting Precinct Committee Persons



  • Reviewing legislation

  • Special projects

  • Accumulating statistics for testifying, countering misinformation on Nextdoor, Facebook, other social media, letter-writing campaigns, etc.



  • Computer assistance

  • Running presentations

  • Assisting with Zoom meetings



  • Social Media

  • Newsletters

  • PCD Blog

  • Coordinating and/or writing letters to the editor

  • Graphic design



  • Database maintenance

  • Maintaining a supply of literature

  • Creating virtual calling campaigns
  • Managing Volunteer lists
  • Creating texting campaigns using 3rd party platforms

  • Mailings



  • Organizing

  • Planning

  • Working with teams

  • Leading teams of volunteers

Become a supporter of the
Polk County Democrats!
PO Box 224, Independence, OR 97351
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