About Us

We are the roots in grassroots!

In 2020, to support our goal of electing Democrats we:

  • Phone Banked

  • Sent over 40,000 text messages and 15,000 postcards

  • Delivered hundreds of lawn signs

  • Supported Candidates with town halls, Q&As, endorsements, and social media promotion!

We need your support to continue to build our bench and strengthen Polk County. Please consider a monthly donation to help: even $3, $5, or $10 can go a long way!

We are 100% volunteer driven!

Executive Committee Members

Chair: Michael Lind
Co-Vice Chair: Kelie McWilliams
Co-Vice Chair: Mike Weber
Secretary: Beth Quackenbush
Budget Manager: Linda Williams
Past Chair: Beth Vaughn

State Central Committee Delegates

Ernie Yagger
Linda Williams
Kelie McWilliams
Carol Infranca (alternate)
Lee Schlenker (alternate)
vacant (alternate)

Congressional District Six (CD6) Committee Delegates

Jennifer Sprauge
Ernie Yagger
Mike Weber
Beth Vaughn (alternate)
Cheryl Nee-Gieringer (alternate)
Tyler Shockley (alternate)

Precinct Committeepersons (PCPs)

Precinct Committeepersons are the building blocks of the Democratic Party. They are the voting members of the Central Committee. To see the full list of PCPs, click here.

Become a supporter of the
Polk County Democrats!
PO Box 224, Independence, OR 97351
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How Can You Help

This website is designed, hosted, and managed by McWilliams Ink, a small woman-owned business in Independence, Oregon.